Council tax

Information on council tax, council tax exemptions, how to apply and lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elitetiam ipsumest illioror morroe nastrud.

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Am I exempt from paying council tax?

Only full-time registered students are exempt from paying council tax, and even then there are circumstances that may affect this. Generally, you are classed as council tax exempt if you are a full-time student living in a property on your own, or with solely other full-time students. In these circumstances, your household would not pay any council tax.

Part time students, or full time students that share a property with part time or none-students, will not normally receive a full exemption (but may be eligible for a reduction in council tax).

If you have any queries or are unsure, you will need to contact your council directly as only they can confirm whether or not you qualify for an exemption.

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How do I apply for council tax exemption?

Joint first in the country for Sport and Exercise Sciences, researchers at the University have been conducting world-leading research into the pursuit of sports excellence and the importance of physical activity in tackling global health problems, such as those associated with ageing and obesity.

For more information please visit the Sport and Exercise Science website.

The council has told me I am not on the student list, what do I do?

Sir Edward Elgar composing and teaching at Birmingham as our first Professor of Music to our multi-million pound investment in a state-of-the-art Bramall Music Building (due for completion in 2012), music is at the heart of University life. In the 2008 RAE, 85% of our research was ranked as either world-leading or internationally excellent. Supporting our long tradition of research in composition, early music and performance practice, and electroacoustic music – Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre (BEAST) is an international leader in this field.

For more information please visit the Music website.

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Can you give me a council tax exemption form?

European Studies was ranked second for its research into European politics, economics, history, law, culture and society. The European Research Institute (ERI) acts as a hub within several national and international research networks, reflecting its commitment to a broad and interdisciplinary approach to European Studies.

For more information please visit the European Research Institute website.

I am a PhD student at the writing up stage, am I exempt from council tax?

Birmingham houses the leading Cancer Studies centre outside London (second only to the Institute of Cancer Research). Particular strengths include cancer cell signalling, the DNA damage response, gene and immunotherapy and cancer viruses. The University has one of the largest clinical trials capacities in Europe. We are also host to the first Cancer Research UK centre in the country to support and embed our internationally significant research.

For more information please visit the Cancer Sciences website.

I am having serious problems with sorting out my exemption, can you help?

Psychology at Birmingham is the leading department for this subject in the region and ranks third in the UK. Psychology research has resulted in greater understanding of the relationship between brain, mind and behaviour, and the application of this understanding to human problems. Demonstrating the impact of the research on society, our research is already helping with alcohol and drug-related issues, and the impact of drugs in other potentially addictive behaviours such as gambling.

For more information please visit the Psychology website.